Smart – independently connects let’s encrypt certificates.
Simple – has the most minimalistic interface.
Reliable – starts when macOS boots.
Start and stop the server by pressing just one button. If something goes wrong, the server will report it in the alert. After clicking on the button, an activity indicator will appear to the left of it, reporting what is happening.
The server registers helper "" in "/Library/LaunchDaemons" in order to be ready immediately after starting your mac. If you want your server to start services after a restart, FileVault must be disabled. Otherwise, the mac will wait for a password to access the drive.
An enabled server reports its status in the status bar. If the server is working, the indicator will be green and the inscription “Online”, if the indicator is off, it will be gray and the inscription “Offline”. There are also cases when the indicator is yellow and the inscription “Reload”.
In order for the server to be able to connect certificates, you must add at least one address, after which the server will check the host, and also check, maybe this host is in the certificate folder of the "Websites" application. If certificates are not found, you must specify them yourself. The server works with .crt, .key and .pem certificates.
When starting and starting, the server reports its actions in the log. They can be viewed by pressing the INF or ERR button.
Each address in the list contains comprehensive information if you select it in the list. Information will be shown to the right of the list.
Add the email address of the user you want to add in the address bar. Enter the password to access your account via SMTP and IMAP. In the “Inbox routing” field, you can specify the address to which you want to forward all letters arriving by email. After all the necessary actions are completed, click the "Create" button.
If you need to add one user “user", which will simply send and receive mail on your domain “". Enter his address and set a password.
If you need to add one user “user", which will simply send to your domain “”, and all letters arriving to him will be forwarded to “". Indicate his address and password, as well as specify the address for forwarding in the “Inbox routing” field.
If you need to send letters from all users not added to the list to one specific address, specify “*” instead of the username in the “Address” field. And in the “Inbox routing” field, specify the address to which all letters will be redirected, the address can be either local or remote server.
You can edit one address at a time. To do this, select the desired address, and then click on the edit button.
The selected address can be edited by making changes to the editor fields. When entering data, a prompt appears on the right explaining what exactly the server will do with the entered data and how it determines them. To save the changes, click the "Save" button.
To delete a address, select it and click on the minus sign. A list of addresses will gray out our remote address.
After adding the address, it will be displayed in the address list. For the server to accept the changes, click the "Save" button, after which the server will reboot and accept the changes.
After making the changes, they will be displayed in the address list. The old address name has been replaced with a new one, but the changes have not yet entered into force. For the server to accept the changes, click the "Save" button, after which the server will reboot and accept the changes.
To delete an address, select it and click on the minus sign. The address list will be grayed out of our remote address.